Whether you are self-employed, privately or HSE employed, find out how income protection cover works, securing the lifestyle you have built for you and your family...
Income Protection cover provides you with a replacement income in the event that you become unable to work due to accident or illness. This is particularly relevant for Physiotherapists who are for the most part self-employed and have little safety net. Your benefit will last for as long as you are unwell, right through to retirement age.
What Type Of Cover Do I Need?
Physiotherapists tend to be broken down into three groups for income protection, those who are employed by the HSE, the self employed private practitioner and those working in private practice.
HSE Physiotherapists are fortunate enough to be able to avail of sick pay from the HSE in the event of them not being able to work due to illness or injury. The level of sick pay payable is 3 months full pay and three months half pay. If someone is suffering from a critical illness this can extended to 6 months of each. With this in mind it is often best to calculate the amount of cover for HSE Physios on a 6 months deferred basis. It is important that this is assessed properly as other factors such as previous time taken can alter the requirement.
Self Employed Physiotherapists Often times there are business and practice related financial commitments that need to be considered as well as those of the homestead and lifestyle.
Physiotherapists working in Private Practice would be entitled to sick pay from the state as long as they have made sufficient PRSI contributions and meet some other required criteria.
Just over one in five physiotherapists claimed on their income protection policies in 2018 which is significantly higher than the average amongst medical professions (1 in 7).
These key findings come from Omega Financial Management’s annual review of claims paid on their Day One Income Protection policy with DG Mutual.
Looking at the breakdown of illnesses and injuries, a key finding was that the rate of issues relating Muscle/Ligaments/Tissue category had doubled on the previous year to 22% of all claims. These kinds of issues can severely disrupt a practitioner’s ability to carry out their work.

Dr Vladka Vilimkova
Dr Vladka was diagnosed with cancer in late 2012 and has undergone four extensive surgeries since. Unfortunately the treatments have resulted in a significant loss of arm/shoulder mobility, rendering her unable to work for the foreseeable future. Vladka’s Income Protection policy has provided her with a weekly income since her first diagnosis and will continue to do so as long as she is unable to work.

Dr Emma O'Hara
When I applied for income protection in 2013, I was in perfect health. Then suddenly I found myself laid up with broken bones from a serious car accident. I had barely paid my first premium, but Omega honoured their word. I never had to worry about payment, and the claim form was simple and quick. It was one major headache I didn’t have to deal with. I would recommend every professional to seek income protection, because you never know what lies ahead.

Simon Coughlan
I like to keep fit and healthy and it is rare that I am unable to work due to illness. However in recent months I have claimed on two occasions for 2 days of lost income as a self employed business owner. The claims process was swift, DG kept me informed and the claim was paid within 7-10 days. Overall I have found the support provided by DG and Omega Financial to be excellent and would recommend highly.

Seamus Ryan
As a general dental practitioner who owns a mixed private/GMS practice I thought it was essential to have Day One income protection against a rainy day. Practices have so many hidden costs that a considerable down time would put real strain on the every day running of the practice so I felt Day One protection was essential. Covid-19 was one of those down times. Overnight the practice shut its doors and all sources of income were lost.